Also Called: Naphtha (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized heavy; stoddard solvent; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A colourless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odours and that boils in a range of approximately 148,8 °C to 204,4 °C (300 °F to 400 °F).]; Hydrocarbon solvents: >5% Aromatics, not characterized as carcinogenic (R45); Stoddard solvent [White spirits; Low boiling point naphtha — unspecified](Note: A colorless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odors and that boils in a range of approximately 148.8 °C to 204.4 °C. (300 °F to 400 °F).);[A colorless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odors and that boils in a range of approximately 148.8°C to 204.4°C. (300°F to 400°F).];Kohlenwasserstoff-Lˆsemittel: > 5 % Aromaten, nicht als krebserzeugend (H350) gekennzeichnet;[A colourless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odours and that boils in a range of approximately 148,;[A colorless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odors and that boils in a range of approximately 148.8C to 204.4C. (300F to 400F).];[Acolourless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odours and that boils in a range of approximately 148,8 C to 204,4 C (300 F to 400 F).];[A colorless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odors and that boils in a range of approximately 148,8 °C to 204,4 °C. (300 °F to 400 °F).];Low boiling point naphtha — unspecified (A colourless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odours and that boils in a range of approximately 149 °C to 205 °C.);Kohlenwasserstoff-Lösemittel: > 5 % Aromaten, nicht als krebserzeugend (H350) gekennzeichnet;Neo-Clear® Xylene Subsitute;Lakový benzín;Low boiling point naphtha —;unspecified [A colourless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odours and that boils in a range of approximately 148,8 °C to 204,4 o C (300°F to 400°F).];Mineralterpentin;Lågkokande nafta –;ospecificerad;[Färglöst, raffinerat petroleumdestillat, fritt från härsken eller obehaglig lukt, med ungefärligt kokpunktsintervall från 148,8 oC till 204,4 oC.];PETROLEO, DESTILADOS DE (NAFTA, SOLVENTE STODDARD, GASOLINA);Mineral spirits;LOW AROMATIC STODDARD SOLVENT;斯托达德干洗溶剂,洗毛织品用的精制油份;White spirit;Solvant Stoddard;ťažký technický benzín (Stoddardovo rozpúšťadlo);benzín s nízkou teplotou varu -;nešpecifikovaný;[Bezfarebný, rafinovaný ropný destilát, ktorý je zbavený žltastého zafarbenia a nežiaducich zápachov. Má teplotu varu v rozmedzí približne od 148,8 oC do 204,4 oC (od 300 oF do 400oF).];stoddard solventLow boiling point naphtha - unspecified[A colourless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odours and that boils in a range of approximately 148,8 °C to 204,4 °C (300 °F to 400 °F).];A colorless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odors and that boils in a range of approximately 148.8°C to 204.4°C (300°F to 400°F).;649-345-00-4