Also Called: Nickel, metallic and alloys; Nickel; nickel powder; [particle diameter < 1 mm]; Metallic Nickel (see Nickel Compounds and Metallic Nickel); nickel, particle size < 1 mm; nickel, particle size >= 1mm; Nickel and nickel compounds (inhalable fraction): Metallic nickel; Metallic nickel; Nickel powder(Note: particle diameter < 1 mm);Nickel (Metallic);Nickel (Ni);Nickel (Ni) (in metal items);Nickel, Korngrˆfle >= 1mm;Nickel and Nickel Compounds;Nickel refinery dust from the pyrometallurgical process;Nickel, >1% in a non hazardous diluent;nickel powder [particle diameter < 1 mm];Nickel, Korngröße >= 1mm;Nickel, Korngrˆfle < 1 mm;Nickel, Korngröße < 1 mm;Nickel and nickel com‐ pounds (inhalable fraction):106 see Section XII − Sah107 1 − Metallic nickel [7440‐02‐0], Ni Nickel acetate [373‐02‐4] and similar soluble salts;Nickel, >1% in a non hazardous diluent;Nickel, metallic;Nickel compounds;Nickel (Ni) Release;NICKEL CATALYST, DRY;NICKEL AND COMPOUNDS;Nickel (dusts, smoke or mist);Raney nickel;Nickel and its compounds: except nickel(II) oxide, nickel(III) oxide, nickel(IV) oxide, nickel sulfide, tetracarbonyl nickel (as Ni), inhalable fraction;NICKEL, ELEMENTAL, SOLUBLE, AND INSOLUBLE COMPOUNDS, AS NI;NICKEL CATALYST (FINELY DIVIDED, ACTIVATED, OR SPENT);NICKEL METAL, OXIDES, CARBONATES, SULPHIDES, as powders;Nickel (powder);Nickel and its compounds;镍;NICKEL, ELEMENTAL;NICKEL (AND ITS COMPOUNDS);Nickel metal and insoluble compounds, as Ni;NICKEL CATALYST;Nickel and its inorganic compounds (except nickel tetracarbonyl): nickel and water-insoluble nickel compounds (as Ni);Compuestos de níquel;NICKEL ROUND ANODES;Nikel a jeho zlúčeniny (okrem oxid nikelnatý, oxid nikličitý, oxid niklitý, sulfid nikelnatý, tetrakarbonyl niklu (ako Ni), ako inhalovateľná frakcia;NICKEL COMPOUND;โลหะนิเกิล,นิเกิลออกไซด์,นิเกิลคาร์บอฌท,นิเกิลซัลไฟด์, ลักษณะเป็นผง;ニッケル;นิเกิล โลหะ และสารประกอบที่ ไม่ละลาย ในรปของนิเกิล;ニッケル(粉状);Nikkel, metallisch en legeringen;NICKEL, ELEMENTAL, INHALABLE FRACTION