Also Called: Hydrocarbon solvents: >5% Aromatics, not characterized as carcinogenic (R45); Distillates (petroleum), catalytic reformer fractionator residue, high boiling [Gasoil unspecified];Distillates (petroleum), catalytic reformer fractionator residue, high-boiling;Gasoil - unspecified;[A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of catalytic reformer fracftionator residue. It boils in the range of approximately 343 °C to 399 °C (650 °F to 750 °F).];[Acomplex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of catalytic reformer fracftionator residue. It boils in the range of approximately 343C to 399C (650 F to 750 F).];Kohlenwasserstoff-Lˆsemittel: > 5 % Aromaten, nicht als krebserzeugend (H350) gekennzeichnet;[A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of catalytic reformer fracftionator residue. It boils in the range of approximately 343 å¡C to 399 å¡C (650 å¡F to 750 å¡F).];Gas oil — unspecified (A complex combination of hydro carbons from the distillation of catalytic reformer ;[A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of catalytic reformer fracftionator residue. It boils in the range of approximately 343 °C to 399 °C (650 °F to 750 °F).];Gas oil — unspecified (A complex combination of hydro carbons from the distillation of catalytic reformer fractionator residue. It boils in the range of approximately 343 °C to 399 °C.);Kohlenwasserstoff-Lösemittel: > 5 % Aromaten, nicht als krebserzeugend (H350) gekennzeichnet;Heavy aromatic (pertoleum);Destilāti (naftas), katalītiskā riformera frakcionētāja atlikuma, ar augstu viršanas temperatūru;Gāzeļļa – nav precizēta;[Ogļūdeņražu savienojumu komplekss, kas iegūts, destilējot katalītiskā riformera frakcionētājā iegūto atlikumu. Tā aptuvenā viršanas temperatūra ir no 343 oC līdz 399 oC (650oF līdz 750oF).];Distillates, petroleum, catalytic reformer fractionator residue, high-boiling;Gasoil — unspecified [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of catalytic reformer fracftionator residue. It boils in the range of approximately 343 °C to 99°C (650°F to 750 °F).];Gasoil -- unspecified