[91995-15-2] , [EC: 295-275-9]

Anthracene oil, anthracene paste, anthracene fraction

Additional EC Number(s): 292-602-7, 292-603-2, 292-604-8, 295-278-5

Also Called: Anthracene Oil Fraction; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of anthracene obtained by the crystallization of anthracene oil from bituminous high temperature tar and boiling in the range of 330°C to 350°C (626°F to 662°F). It contains chiefly anthracene, carbazole and phenanthrene.]; Anthracene oils; Anthracene oil, anthracene paste, anthracene fraction [Anthracene Oil Fraction](Note: A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of anthracene obtained by the crystallization of anthracene oil from bituminous high temperature tar and boiling in the range of 330 °C to 350 °C (626 °F to 662 °F). It contains chiefly anthracene, carbazole and phenanthrene.);ANTHRACENE OIL, ANTHRACENE PASTE, ANTHRACENE FRACTION;Anthracenˆle;[A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of anthracene obtained by the crystallization of anthracene oil from bituminous high temperature tar and boiling in the range of 330å¡C to 350å¡C (626å¡F to 662å¡F). It contains chiefly anthrace;[A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of anthracene obtained by the crystallization of anthracene oil from bituminous high temperature tar and boiling in the range of 330°C to 350°C (626°F to 662°F). It contains chiefly anthracene, carbazole and phenanthrene.];Anthracenöle;Anthracene oil fraction (A complex combination of hydro­ carbons from the distillation of anthracene obtained by the cryst­ allisation of anthracene oil from bituminous high temperature tar and boiling in the range of 330 to 350 °C. It contains chiefly anthracene, carbazole and phenan­ threne.);[A complex combination of hydro­ carbons from the distillation of anthracene obtained by the crystal­ lization of anthracene oil from bituminous high temperature tar and boiling in the range of 330 °C to 350 °C (626 °F to 662 °F). It contains chiefly anthracene, carbazole and phenanthrene.];Polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs);Anthracene oil, anthracene paste, anthracene fraction (A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of anthracene obtained by the crystallization of anthracene oil from bituminous high temperature tar and boiling in the range of 330°C to 350°C (626°F to 662°F). It contains chiefly anthracene, carbazole and phenanthrene.);Anthracene Oil Fraction [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of anthracene obtained by the crystallization of anthracene oil from bituminous high temperature tar and boiling in the range of 330 °C to 350 °C (626°F to 662°F). It contains chiefly anthracene, carbazole and phenanthrene.];anthracenový olej, anthracenová pasta, anthracenová frakce;frakce anthracenového oleje;[Složitá směs uhlovodíků z destilace anthracenu získaná krystalizací anthracenového oleje z vysokoteplotního černouhelného dehtu, a s rozmezím teploty varu 330 oC až 350 oC. Je složena především z anthracenu, karbazolu a fenanthrenu.];Антраценово масло, антраценова паста, антраценова фракция;фракция антраценово масло;[Сложна комбинация от въглеводороди от дестилацията на антрацен, получена чрез кристализацията на антраценово масло от битумни високотемпературни катрани, с точка на кипене в интервала приблизително 330 oC—350 oC (626 oF—662 oF). Състои се главно от антрацен, карбазол и фенантрен.]

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