Also Called: Anthracene Oil Fraction; [The anthracene-rich solid obtained by the crystallization and centrifuging of anthracene oil. It is composed primarily of anthracene, carbazole and phenanthrene.]; Anthracene oils; Anthracene oil, anthracene paste(Note: R23 need not apply if it can be shown that the anthracene oil contains less thaN 8 % pyrene; R20 applies for anthracene oils containing > 1 % pyrene);ANTHRACENE OIL, ANTHRACENE PASTE;Anthracene oil, anthracene paste[The anthracene-rich solid obtained by the crystallization and centrifuging of anthracene oil. It is composed primarily of anthracene, carbazole and phenanthrene.];Anthracenˆle;[The anthracene-rich solid obtained by the crystallization and centrifuging of anthracene oil. It is composed primarily of anthracene, carbazole and phenanthrene.];Anthracene oil fraction (The anthracene-rich solid obtained by the crystallisation and centri fuging of anthracene oil. It is composed primarily of anthracene, carbazole and phenanthrene.);[The anthracene-rich solid obta;Anthracenöle;[The anthracene-rich solid obtained by the crystallization and centri fuging of anthracene oil. It is composed primarily of anthracene, carbazole and phenanthrene.];Polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs);Anthracene oil, anthracene paste (The anthracene-rich solid obtained by the crystallization and centrifuging of anthracene oil. It is composed primarily of anthracene, carbazole and phenanthrene.);[The anthracene-rich solid obtained by the crystallization and centri-fuging of anthracene oil. It is composed primarily of anthracene, carbazole and phenanthrene.];Anthracene Oil Fraction [The anthracene-rich solid obtained by the crystallization and centrifuging of anthracene oil. It is composed primarily of anthracene, carbazole and phenanthrene.];antracénový olej, antracénová pasta;frakcia antracénového oleja;[Tuhá látka obohatená antracénom, získavaná kryštalizáciou a centrifugáciou antracénového oleja. Pozostáva predovšetkým z antracénu, karbazolu a fenantrénu.];Anthracene oil, anthracene pasteAnthracene Oil Fraction[The anthracene-rich solid obtained by the crystallization and centrifuging of anthracene oil. It is composed primarily of anthracene, carbazole and phenanthrene.];The anthracene-rich solid obtained by the crystallization and centrifuging of anthracene oil. It is composed primarily of anthracene, carbazole and phenanthrene.;648-103-00-5;Anthracene oil fraction (The anthracene-rich solid obtained by the crystallisation and centri-fuging of anthracene oil. It is composed primarily of anthracene, carbazole and phenanthrene.)