Also Called: Anthracene Oil Fraction; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of anthracene obtained by crystallization of anthracene oil from bituminous high temperature tar and boiling in the range of approximately 290°C to 340°C (554°F to 644°F). It contains chiefly trinuclear aromatics and their dihydro derivatives.]; Anthracene oils; Anthracene oil, anthracene paste, distn. lights [Anthracene Oil Fraction](Note: A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of anthracene obtained by crystallization of anthracene oil from bituminous high temperature tar and boiling in the range of approximately 290 °C to 340 °C (554 °F to 644 °F). It contains chiefly trinuclear aromatics and their dihydro derivatives.);ANTHRACENE OIL, ANTHRACENE PASTE, DISTN. LIGHTS;Anthracene oil, anthracene paste,distn. Lights;Anthracenˆle;[A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of anthracene obtained by crystallization of anthracene oil from bituminous high temperature tar and boiling in the r;Anthracenöle;[A complex combination of hydro carbons from the distillation of anthracene obtained by crystalli zation of anthracene oil from bituminous high temperature tar and boiling in the range of approxi mately 290 °C to 340 °C (554 °F to 644 °F). It contains chiefly trinuclear aromatics and their dihydro derivatives.];Anthracene oil, anthracene paste, distillation lights;Anthracene oil fraction (A complex combination of hydro carbons from the distillation of anthracene obtained by crystalli sation of anthracene oil from bituminous light temperature tar and boiling in the range of approximately 290 to 340 °C. It contains chiefly trinuclear aromatics and their dihydro deriva tives.);Polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs);Anthracene Oil Fraction [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of anthracene obtained by crystallization of anthracene oil from bituminous high temperature tar and boiling in the range of approximately 290 °C to 340 °C (554°F to 644 °F). It contains chiefly trinuclear aromatics and their dihydro derivatives.];Anthracene oil, anthracene paste, distn. Lights (A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of anthracene obtained by crystallization of anthracene oil from bituminous high temperature tar and boiling in the range of approximately 290°C to 340°C (554°F to 644°F). It contains chiefly trinuclear aromatics and their dihydro derivatives.);Антраценово масло, антраценова паста, леки дестилати;фракция антраценово масло;[Сложна комбинация от въглеводороди от дестилацията на антрацен, получена чрез кристализацията на антраценово масло от битумен високотемпературен катран и с точка на кипене в интервала приблизително 290 oC—340 oC (554 oF—644 oF). Състои се главно от трипръстенни ароматни съединения и техните дихидропроизводни.];Anthracene oil, anthracene paste, distn. lightsAnthracene Oil Fraction[A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of anthracene obtained by crystallization of anthracene oil from bituminous high temperature tar and boiling in the range of approximately 290°C to 340°C (554°F to 644°F). It contains chiefly trinuclear aromatics and their dihydro derivatives.];A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of anthracene obtained by crystallization of anthracene oil from bituminous high temperature tar and boiling in the range of approximately 290°C to 340°C (554°F to 644°F). It contains chiefly trinuclear aromatics and their dihydro derivatives.;648-108-00-2