[1332-21-4] , [EC: 603-721-4]


Also Called: Asbestos (all forms, including actinolite, amosite, anthophyllite, chrysotile, crocidolite, tremolite);Asbestos;Asbestos (all forms, including actinolite, amosite, anthophyllite, chrysotile, crocidolite, tremolite)Â;Asbestos (Actinolite, Amosite, Anthophyllite, Chrysotile, Crocidolite and Tremolite);Asbestos (amphibole forms);ASBESTOS (FRIABLE);ASBESTOS (FRIABLE OR OTHER FORMS);ASBESTOS (ALL FORMS);Asbestos [including: actinolite, amosite, tremolite, anthophyllite asbestos, crocidolite];AMOSITE;ASBESTOS (FRIABLE FORM);Asbestos (en todas sus formas, incluyendo Actinolita, Amosita, antofilita, crisotilo, crocidolita, tremolita) y las sustancias minerales (por ejemplo, talco o vermiculita) que contengan asbesto, también deben considerarse carcinógenas para los seres humanos.;Waste asbestos in the form of dust and fibres;MAGNESIUMHYDROXYSILICAT (LUNGENGAENGIGER FEINSTAUB);Asbestos fibres;แอสเบสทอส;ASBESTOS, ALL FORMS;Asbestos (fibers);ASBESTOS (INCLUDING ACTINOLITE, AMOSITE, ANTHOPHYLLITE, CHRYSOTILE, CROCIDOLITE, AND TREMOLITE);ASBEST (LUNGENGAENGIGER FEINSTAUB);Asbestos, (fibrous dust) [Actinolite, Amosite, Anthophyllite, Chrysotile, Crocidolite and Tremolite];Asbestos (carcinogen category 1A);Artificial emberizing materials (ash and embers) containing respirable free-form asbestos;Asbest;Asbest (Chrysotil, Aktinolith, Amosit, Anthophyllit, Krokydolith, Tremolit) als Feinstaub und asbesthaltiger Feinstaub;General-use garments containing asbestos;石綿;Asbestos (in all its forms, including Actinolite, Amosite, Anthophyllite, Chrysotile, Crocidolite, Tremolite) and mineral substances (i.e. talc or vermiculite) containing asbestos;Asbestos fibers, all members;Amiante;石棉;azbest ((karcinogén kategórie 1A)

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