Also Called: Heavy Anthracene Oil; [Distillate from the fractional distillation of coal tar of bituminous coal, with boiling range of 240 °C to 400 °C (464 °F to 752 °F). Composed primarily of tri- and polynuclear hydrocarbons and heterocyclic compounds.]; Distillates, coal tar, heavy oils; Distillates (coal tar), heavy oils [Heavy anthracene oil];Distillates (coal tar), heavy oils;[Distillate from the fractional distillation of coal tar of bituminous coal, with boiling range of 240C to 400C (464 F to 752 F). Composed primarily of tri- and polynuclear hydrocarbons and heterocyclic compounds.];[Distillate from the fractional distillation of coal tar of bituminous coal, with boiling range of 240 °C to 400 °C (464 °F to 752 °F). Composed primarily of tri- and polynuclear hydrocarbons and heterocyclic compounds.];[Distillate from the fractional distillation of coal tar of bituminous coal, with boiling range of 240 å¡C to 400 å¡C (464 å¡F to 752 å¡F). Composed primarily of tri- and polynuclear hydrocarbons and heterocyclic com;Heavy anthracene oil (Distillate from the fractional distillation of coal tar of bituminous coal, with boiling range of 240 to 400 °C. Composed primarily of tri- and polynuclear hydrocarbons and heterocyclic compounds.);Polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs);Heavy Anthracene Oil [Distillate from the fractional distillation of coal tar of bituminous coal, with boiling range of 240°C to 400°C (464°F to 752 °F). Composed primarily of tri-and polynuclear hydrocarbons and heterocyclic compounds.];Heavy coal tar distillate;Distillates (coal tar), heavy oils (Distillate from the fractional distillation of coal tar of bituminous coal, with boiling range of 240°C to 400°C (464°F to 752°F). Composed primarily of tri- and polynuclear hydrocarbons and heterocyclic compounds.);Destylaty (smoła węglowa), oleje ciężkie;Ciężki olej antracenowy;[Destylat z destylacji frakcyjnej smoły węglowej z węgla kamiennego, o temperaturze wrzenia w zakresie od 240 oC do 400 oC (464oF do 752oF). Złożony głównie z trój- i wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów i związków heterocyklicznych.];distillati (catrame di carbone), olii pesanti;olio di antracene II;[distillato della distillazione frazionata del catrame di carbone di carbone bituminoso, con punto di ebollizione nell'intervallo 240 oC-400 oC (da 464 oF a 752 oF). Costituito prevalentemente da idrocarburi tri- e policiclici e da composti eterociclici.];Distillates (coal tar), heavy oilsHeavy Anthracene Oil[Distillate from the fractional distillation of coal tar of bituminous coal, with boiling range of 240 °C to 400 °C (464 °F to 752 °F). Composed primarily of tri- and polynuclear hydrocarbons and heterocyclic compounds.];Distillate from the fractional distillation of coal tar of bituminous coal, with boiling range of 240°C to 400°C (464°F to 752°F). Composed primarily of tri- and polynuclear hydrocarbons and heterocyclic compounds.;648-044-00-5