Also Called: Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C13 and boiling in the range of approximately 65°C to 230°C (149°F to 446°F).]; Hydrotreated heavy naphtha (petroleum); Aliphatic Hydrocarbons with a content of aromatics < 1 % and boiling range beginning with > 140 GradC; Naphtha (petroleum) hydrotreated, heavy; Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy [Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha](Note: A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C13 and boiling in the range of approximately 65 °C to 230 °C (149 °F to 446 °F).);Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy;Aliphatische Kohlenwasserstoffe mit einem Aromatengehalt < 1 % und e;[A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C13 and boiling in the range of approximately 65C to 230C (149F to 446F).];Naphtha, petroleum, hydrotreated heavy;Benzine, als karzinogen (H350) oder als mutagen (H340) oder als reproduktionstoxisch (H361fd) gekennzeichnet;[A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C13 and boiling in the range of approximately 65°C to 230°C (149°F to 446°F).];Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha (A complex combination of hydro carbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C13 and boiling in the range of approxi mately 65 °C to 230 °C.);Benzine, nicht als karzinogen (H350) und nicht als mutagen (H340) und nicht als reproduktionstoxisch (H361fd) gekennzeichnet;Aliphatische Kohlenwasserstoffe mit einem Aromatengehalt < 1 % und einem Siedebeginn > 140 GradC;[A complex combination of hydro carbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C13 and boiling in the range of approxi mately 65 °C to 230 °C (149 °F to 446 °F).];Aliphatische Kohlenwasserstoffe mit einem Aromatengehalt < 1 % und einem Siedebeginn > 140 °C;Isoparaffin L, Synthesis Grade;Hydrocarbons, c9-c11, n-alkanes, isoalkanes, cyclics, < 2% aromatics;Low boiling point ydrogen treated naphtha [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C13 and boiling in the range of approximately 65o C to 230o C (149°F to 446°F).];Benzin (ásványolaj), hidrogénezett nehéz;Alacsony forráspontú hidrogénnel kezelt benzin;[Ásványolaj frakció katalitikus hidrogénezésével nyert összetett szénhidrogénkeverék. Főként C6-C13 szénatomszámú szénhidrogénekből áll, hozzávetőleges forráspont-tartománya 65 oC és 230 oC (149 oF és 446 oF) között van.];[A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C13 and boiling in the range of approximately 65C to 230C (149F to 446F).];石油精;nafta (aardolie), met waterstof behandelde zware;gehydrogeneerde nafta met laag kookpunkt;[een complexe verzameling koolwaterstoffen, verkregen door het behandelen van een aardoliefractie met waterstof in aanwezigheid van een katalysator. Bestaat uit koolwaterstoffen, overwegend C6 tot en met C13, met een kooktraject van ongeveer 65 oC tot 230 oC (149 oF tot 446 oF).];Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavyLow boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha[A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C13 and boiling in the range of approximately 65°C to 230°C (149°F to 446°F).];A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C13 and boiling in the range of approximately 65°C to 230°C (149°F to 446°F).;649-327-00-6