Also Called: Straight run kerosine; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of crude oil or natural gasoline. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C9 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 140 °C to 220 °C (284 °F to 428 °F).]; Medium aliphatic solvent naphtha (petroleum) C9-C12; White spirit; Solvent naphtha (petroleum), medium aliph. [Straight run kerosene];Solvent naphtha (petroleum), medium aliph.;[A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of crude oil or natural gasoline. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C9 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 140 °C to 220 °C (284 °F to 428 °F).];naphtha, (petroleum), medium;[A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of crude oil or natural gasoline. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominan;[A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of crude oil or natural gasoline. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C9 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 140C to 220C (284 F to 428 F).];Solvent naphtha, petroleum, medium aliphatic;Naphtha , ( petroleum ) , medium;MINERAL SPIRITS;Solvent naphtha, petroleum, medium aliph.;benzínové rozpúšťadlo (ropné), stredná, alifatická frakcia;primárny petrolej;[Komplexná zmes uhľovodíkov získavaná destiláciou ropy alebo zemného plynu. Pozostáva predovšetkým z nasýtených uhľovodíkov s počtom atómov uhlíka prevažne v rozmedzí od C9 do C12. Má teplotu varu v rozmedzí približne od 140 oC do 220 oC (od 284 oF do 428 oF).];中级脂族溶剂石脑油(石油);Straight run kerosine [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of crude oil or natural gasoline. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C9 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 140°C to 220°C (284°F to 428°F).];NAPHTHA, SOLVENT (PETROLEUM), MEDIUM ALIPHATIC;nafta solvente (petrolio), alifatica intermedia;cherosene di prima distillazione;[combinazione complessa di idrocarburi ottenuta dalla distillazione del petrolio grezzo o della benzina naturale. È costituita prevalentemente da idrocarburi saturi con numero di atomi di carbonio prevalentemente nell'intervallo C9-C12 e punto di ebollizione nell'intervallo 140 oC-220 oC ca.];naphtha,(petroleum),medium;Nafta disolvente (petróleo), fracción alifática intermedia;queroseno de primera destilación;[combinación compleja de hidrocarburos obtenida de la destilación de petróleo crudo o de gasolina natural;compuesta principalmente de hidrocarburos saturados con un número de carbonos en su mayor parte en el intervalo de C9 a C12 y con un intervalo de ebullición aproximado de 140 oC a 220 oC (de 284 oF a 428 oF).];solvent naphtha (petroleum), medium aliph.Straight run kerosine[A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of crude oil or natural gasoline. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C9 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 140 °C to 220 °C (284 °F to 428 °F).];A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of crude oil or natural gasoline. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C9 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 140°C to 220°C (284°F to 428°F).;649-405-00-X