Also Called: Coal-tar distillation; Tar, coal; Coal tar; [The by-product from the destructive distillation of coal. Almost black semisolid. A complex combination of aromatic hydro-carbons, phenolic compounds, nitrogen bases and thiophene.]; Coal Tar (see Coal Tars and Coal-Tar Pitches); Tar, coal [Coal tar];Coal tars (see Coal-tar distillation);Coal tar (The by-product from the destructive distillation of coal. Almost black semisolid. A complex combination of aromatic hydro-carbons, phenolic compounds, nitrogen bases and thiophene.);Coal Tar (see Coal Tars and Coal Tar Pitches);Coal tars crude and refined;Coal-tars;Crude and refined coal tars;COAL TAR (COAL TAR PITCH);COAL TARS;STEINKOHLENTEER;COAL TAR PITCH;COAL TAR PITCH VOLATILES;katran, premog;premogov katran;[Stranski produkt destruktivne destilacije premoga. Skoraj črna poltrdna snov. Kompleksna mešanica aromatskih ogljikovodikov, fenolnih spojin, dušikovih baz in tiofena.];Coal tar (as benzene solubles component);KOHLENTEER;Coal tar [The by-product from the destructive distillation of coal. Almost black semisolid. A complex combination of aromatic hydrocarbons, phenolic compounds, nitrogen bases and thiophene.];Black coal tars;Coke oven emissions;Катран, каменни въглища;Каменовъглен катран;[Вторичен продукт от сухата дестилация на въглища. Почти черен полутвърд продукт. Сложна комбинация от ароматни въглеводороди, фенолни съединения, азотни бази и тиофен.];OILS, COAL TAR LIGHT;COAL TAR PITCH VOLATILES (BENZENE SOLUBLES);コールタール;Tar, coalCoal tar[The by-product from the destructive distillation of coal. Almost black semisolid. A complex combination of aromatic hydro-carbons, phenolic compounds, nitrogen bases and thiophene.];The by-product from the destructive distillation of coal. Almost black semisolid. A complex combination of aromatic hydrocarbons, phenolic compounds, nitrogen bases and thiophene.;648-081-00-7;COAL TAR, ROAD TAR, REFINED TAR